Friday 15 February 2013

The Red Lunch Box: Episode One!

Hello, Dumpling!
It's SATURDAY!!! One of my all-time favourite days of the week! A day for sleep ins, quiz nights, lazy coffee dates and weddings! Squee! Of course, this week was Valentine's Day- and I had my first ever Valentine's Day with an exceptionally wonderful guy! (and I vowed not to gush on about it too much and ruin this post! Haha!).

I hope your week has been remarkable- I'm sorry I dropped the ball with Things I Love Thursday this week. I promise I will make it up to you next week with a bumper edition! 

But, back to Saturdays. As a kid, my favourite thing to do on a Saturday was to jump in our family car and roll around to my grandparents place. They have lived in the same house in the southern suburbs of Sydney since my Mama was tiny. And they have a massive (well, when you're seven, everything looks massive!), glittering, gorgeous blue swimming pool.
We'd spend hours and hours each day mucking around: jumping through black irrigation tube rings that my dutiful Pa (Grandfather) held up for us as far down into the 'deep end' as he could stand; slurping down my Auntie's infamous 'spiders' (ginger ale drinks with a dollop of ice-cream plopped on top so they fizzed and frothed all down the sides of the glass); making up diving and dancing routines with my sisters and brother; jumping from the hot spa into the cool swimming pool and screaming with delight. We always wound up staying for dinner, which was inevitably a big old barbeque complete with any manner of barbeque meats, salads and deserts you could imagine. We had the best Saturdays ever! 

The very best part was always getting to pick a special treat from Nan's Red Lunch Box. It has to be said that way, with a capital 'R', 'L' and 'B' to make sure it's a proper name. The Red Lunch Box always sat in the very back of the refridgerator, and there came a time after dinner where we would all group excitedly in their lino-floored kitchen and await this magical, red plastic treasure chest to be opened in front of our eyes. We'd get to pick one thing, and one thing only- maybe a chocolate biscuit, or perhaps a tiny individually wrapped chocolate bar- and scurry away to devour our treat like cholrine soaked, skin tanned gremlins.
. . . . .
Of course, not every weekend can be so entertaining! Sometimes, I find myself so bored out of my brain over my weekends that I sit trawling the web for hours and hours, clicking link after link and chasing mindless weirdness all over the internet! (Actually, that's not really confined to the weekend. That happens a lot during the week too- especially when I should be studying *faceplam*). During this incessant trawling and my over-zealous use of the 'Favourite' button on my internet browser,  I've amassed quite a collection of goodies from all corners of the globe! So- ladies and gentlemen, without any further ado:

The Red Lunch Box: Episode One!

Here are my top rated sweet treats from the net this week! Peruse them during your weekend down time, if you find yourself twiddling your thumbs... or book mark this page and can find the list whenever your heart desires! (alternatively, just hit the 'Red Lunch Box' link under the Labels tab!). I know this feature is quite small, but if it's popular I will increase the number of links next week.

- This is why your photographer never sends you all your photographs!
- If you're in need of some ear-spiration, check out these amazing earrings (thanks, Karlas Closet!)
- This is an amazing list of must read books from each decade from 2000-2009!
- OMG. A cupcake for every day of the month. ... squeeeeeeeee <3 (Thanks Ming!)
- There's a reason dogs are a man's best friend
- This is a nice article on Relationship Rules from Psychology Today. This site actually has some great articles if you have a bit of time to have a browse!
- This kissable lip scrub looks divine! Can't wait to try it! (Thanks Cristi!)
'How to Love Yourself in 17 Ways' from The Abundance Tapestry. Print it and stick it to your wall. It's a simplified version of what I want to achieve here. Do it. (Thanks Evelyn!)
- And lastly, a little lovin' from my hero, the beautiful Oprah Winfrey:


I'm off to a quiz night with my gorgeous friends tonight- I can't wait! What do you have planned? What did you do on Valentine's Day? Don't forget to 'Like' us on FB and join the chatter!
Psychadelic pom poms and Valentine's smooches,
MJ x