Saturday 2 February 2013

How to Not Wake Up Feeling Stuck In A Rut!

Some mornings I wake up and, quite simply, feel like ass. It's true! I open a bleary eye, peer at my iPhone to check the time, and know instantly to the core of my being that I'm in a bad, bad mood. I do not know why. I do not know how. But this grumble-bum phenomenon blocks my creativity, stems my flow of positivity and makes me snappy with innocent family members.

Life can be stressful. There are money worries, boy troubles, Horrible Bosses, family feuds and other worrisome whales to contend with. Some days, it seems that nothing short of a miracle will get you out of bed, let alone out of bed, smiling and being pleasant to telemarketers. While I'm not going to break down all the individual stresses of day-to-day life and perform an in depth analysis of the intricacies of  stress management, there are some simple ways to bring a little bit of joy back to the forefront of your Beautiful day!

Set your alarm to a song that gets your blood pumping

Music is a powerful motivational tool! Music assists with focus, drive, it can affect emotions and moods. Why do you think sports teams have anthems? Or why they play Enya at meditation classes? Music can help to get you back into a positive mindset. And if that's the first thing that happens to you in the morning, imagine what you could achieve armed with a few good beats throughout the rest of the day?!

Here's a few of my favourite 'happy day' tracks to get you started!

Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
The La's - There She Goes
DJ Fresh - Gold Dust
Jennifer Lopez - Let's Get Loud
Start the day with a herbal tea

I know it sounds a bit naff, and don't get me wrong, I am a coffee addict. But there is something very natural, earthen and soothing about drinking herbal tea- particularly if you drink it out of an incredible teacup! Try T2, Teawana and T-Bar for energising blends, or anything with berries. And beacuse teacups make me happy, here is Tumblr's best selection!

Do your makeup differently

Well, obviously, this only applies to female readers! Try altering your morning routine. If you're feeling stuck in a rut, change your lip colour! Add a swipe of sparkle to your lids before applying your eyeliner! I'll be doing a few makeup tutorials in the coming months, so stay tuned. But in the mean time- if you usually wear lip balm, invest in a new coloured lip gloss. If you typically stick to bronzer, try a pink or peachy shade for your cheeks. Experiment with shimmer. Even revisit the nineties and give body glitter another whirl! Makeup is about self-expression, experimenting with who you are, and having FUN. What are you afraid of?! Afterall- it washes off!

Make an effort to be sincere

How many times have you stopped to buy your morning coffee and barely even looked at the barista? Do you say "thanks" or "cheers" without even thinking about it? Without even meaning it? The people who help to create your day- baristas, bus drivers, office cleaners, cashiers- are people, just like you. Make an effort to give them a proper smile. Ask them how they are, and be genuinely interested. And don't forget to give them a proper smile when you say goodbye. Smiles are contagious! Spread the love!

I'm not saying that whacking on a shade of fuschia lipstick will help you get out of a controlling or abusive relationship, or that sticking up a poster of a kitten hanging from a branch will grant your boss the wave of understanding that will finally get you a payrise and an invitation to hit the gym with him after work. But these tiny details are all under our control. We can alter small things in the course of our daily routines that can help to make life brighter, make your day better. They are accessible and easy and, well, who knows...? If you try them, maybe you'll find that you go to bed on one of these shitty days with the faintest trace of a smile!

Flowered teacups and Gold Dust sprinkles,

MJ x